4 Tips for Coping with the Anxiety that Comes with "Adulting"

As you move into the first chapter of your adult life, you might be feeling anxious and stressed about all of the changes coming your way. Perhaps you’ve just graduated from college. Now, you’re moving to a new city for a job opportunity. Maybe you’ve finished high school and decided to pursue an apprenticeship or another training program. While you’re eager to start this new phase, you’re also worried about the new level of responsibility that you’ll have to take on.

Regardless of your circumstances, entering adulthood and becoming truly responsible for your own future can feel nerve-wracking. But chances are, you’ll find out that you’re capable of more than you know. Here are a few healthy ways to cope with the anxiety that often surrounds “adulting.”

1. Allow Yourself to Feel Uncertain

First, it’s important to allow yourself to simply sit with uncertainty from time to time. You definitely do not have to have it all figured out! It’s all too easy to spend time comparing yourself to other people you know who seem to have it all together. But appearances can be deceiving.

During this chapter of your life, it’s important to keep in mind that everything you see on social media isn’t necessarily an accurate representation of reality. Stay focused on your own progress. Get comfortable with not knowing all the answers regarding your own future. It will take time to figure out your path. You don’t have to do the same things that your friends are doing. Nor do you have to hit any societal “milestones” at specific times.

young adult at office

2. Expand Your Social Circle

It’s all too easy to lose touch with friends if you’re moving to different areas or going in new directions in life. But today, staying in touch couldn’t be more convenient. Make sure to connect with your old friends. Plus, focus on making new friends wherever you land next.

You might want to grab lunch with your coworkers, start volunteering in your new city, join a recreational sports team, take local art classes, or simply make a stronger effort to chat with your neighbors. By keeping in touch with your current friends and consistently reaching out to meet new people, you’ll find yourself with a bigger, stronger support system as you navigate this time in your life.

3. Invest in Your Own Wellbeing

It can be hard to figure out your next steps when it comes to “adulting.” But there are some things you should prioritize at any time in your life that will never steer you wrong.

For example, this is the perfect time to start an exercise routine, master some new healthy recipes, and make a commitment to saving some money each month. It’s okay if you can’t save a huge portion of your paycheck. But your future self will thank you for contributing to savings and retirement accounts.

4. Ask for Advice and Support

You don’t have to stumble through the early years of adulthood on your own. Instead, reach out to your loved ones for advice and support. In addition to asking your parents, older relatives, and friends for advice, you may want to connect with a mentor through your professional workplace.

If you’re struggling with your mental health, it may be a good idea to reach out to a therapist. Advice from an objective third-party can help you make decisions that will benefit you in this next stage in life.

Are you struggling to deal with anxiety around “adulting?” Working with a therapist can help you carve out your own path. Reach out to us to learn more about our anxiety counseling services for young adults.


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