For Individuals
Eating Disorders Therapy
Fighting an eating disorder can be an isolating battle. Too many people wrestle with the shame, guilt, and confusion of eating disorders thinking they are alone. You aren’t alone! Newark Behavioral Health can walk with you to support and encourage you as you battle one of the most deceptive tricks the brain can pull on us. It is this deceptive nature of eating disorders that make it hard to recover. Even loved ones trying to help end up spurring the destructive pattern forward. An eating disorder is a pathological trick of the brain, fueled by cultural expectations, bad habits and destructive thought processes. The one truth our Newark Behavioral Health eating disorders counselors have seen over and over again is that you have the strength to overcome an eating disorder. It might feel like an uphill battle, but with a little support, a healthy relationship with yourself and food is possible.
How Does an Eating Disorder Develop?
As with most things, it’s a slippery slope that may start with something small but ends up somewhere you never wanted to go. There’s always a way out though! Newark Behavioral Health believes it’s never too late for someone to begin to heal and grow. One thing an Eating Disorder therapist might talk with you about is the root of your eating disorder. Is it a coping mechanism for something else stressful or overwhelming? Or maybe your food intake is the only thing you can actually control in your life. Or perhaps binge eating is the only release you get in a stressful and otherwise restrictive day.
The unnecessary and harmful stress society puts on weight and body shape almost always plays a role in a developing eating disorder. A Newark Behavioral Health counselor might also help you dismantle the lies society tells you about yourself and find the truth. Our Eating Disorder counselors want to make it abundantly clear: an eating disorder is never your fault. It can feel like you’re self-sabotaging at times- why else do you feel like the only way you can be happy is by not eating for days, then eating everything in the fridge, then work out for hours?
But those desires aren’t you, they’re you’re eating disorder. It is separate from you. You are a unique and wonderful person beyond your eating habits and beliefs about yourself. Newark Behavioral Health is here to help you manage your eating disorder so you can fully experience everything else about you that makes life fulfilling and exciting.
Eating disorders are as unique as the people they affect; no two cases are the same. The three main types of eating disorders are anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating.
What are the Symptoms of Anorexia?
Anorexia is a deadly mental illness. This is because if left untreated, the extreme low-calorie lifestyle can begin to shut down vital organs. Newark Behavioral Health is fighting to help more people have the freedom from anorexia. As always, recovery is easier and quicker the sooner action is taken against anorexia. It takes immense strength and courage to reach out for help when you’re battling anorexia. Everything in you is whispering that there’s nothing wrong, and a few more pounds lighter and you’ll finally be happy. Thank you for choosing to fight for yourself and take this step. Newark Behavioral Health is ready to walk with you towards the happy, fulfilling life you deserve.
A few signs of anorexia to look for in yourself or a loved one include:
Underweight (BMI less than 18)
Dramatic weight loss
Restricting food
Counting calories
Unusual amounts of exercise
A lot of thoughts focused around food, weight, or body shape
Strong desires for a different size/shape
Wearing baggy clothes to hide weight loss or body shape
Newark Behavioral Health has years of experience and tools to help you deconstruct the lies and face the truth. Freedom from anorexia is possible.
What are the Symptoms of Bulimia?
Bulimia is the not-so-nice cousin of Anorexia. They have similar facets, but the exacting binge-purge cycle sets Bulimia apart. It is this cycle that is so frustrating and destructive to our hearts and minds. If you are feeling caught in the whirlwind of the cycle, Newark Behavioral Health may be able to provide an extra boost to spur you on your way to recovery. So, what is a binge? A binge is an uncontrolled consumption of an unusually large amount of food. It can bring fear and shame- the catalysts for a purge cycle. Purges can be everything from excessive exercise to fasting and diuretics to forced vomiting. It is trying to get rid of the calories just consumed.
The overused lie Bulimia likes to tell is “You’re just weak, that’s why this keeps happening. Next time, be better.”
That’s a lie! You are not weak, and Bulimia is not your fault. Many factors go into an eating disorder, but none of them are a personal flaw. Instead, Newark Behavioral Health has seen that it is your strength and resilience that will break this cycle and get you to the life you deserve- happy and excited for the future.
Some signs of Bulimia include:
Having a binge episode (eating excessive amounts of food when the situation does not call for it, feeling out of control or like you can’t stop while eating)
Trying to counteract the binge by purging (vomiting, exercise, fasting, etc.)
Being preoccupied with shape and body image, feeling shame or a desire to change
Weight fluctuations
Dehydration or other vitamin imbalances
There is hope if you are fighting Bulimia. Newark Behavioral Health is ready to fight with you.

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