6 Ways to Cope With Pre-College Anxiety

If you’re getting ready to head off to college, you might be dealing with heavy anxiety. Maybe you’re unsure if you’ve picked the right major, and you’re worried that you’re wasting time and money. Perhaps you’ll be moving far away from your family and friends. Now, you’re concerned that you won’t be able to find a social group you fit in with at your new school. 

Overall, you’re overwhelmed by the thought of adjusting to an entirely new environment. You don’t know how you’ll handle all of your responsibilities. It feels like everyone around you can’t wait to start college, and when the topic comes up, you put on a brave face. Yet deep down, you’re jealous of their confidence. Secretly, you wish you could stay in your comfort zone. You can find a path through this anxiety and embrace this new chapter with some of these tips.

1. Practice Self-Care

student relaxing while studying

Preparing for college is stressful. You might be juggling a summer job or internship, packing up all of your belongings, saying goodbye to friends and family members, or even taking summer classes online or through a local university. If you’ve been neglecting sleep, exercise, or healthy meals because of these responsibilities, see if you can make more room in your schedule to prioritize healthy habits.

2. Prepare to Keep in Touch With Loved Ones

Yes, going away to college can change your relationships with your loved ones. But just because there will be a physical distance between you does not mean that your friendships have to end, or that you won’t be able to maintain emotional closeness with your family. Check with your friends to see if they would be open to weekly video calls. With the technology available today, keeping in touch has never been easier!

3. Make an Organized To-Do List

Maybe you feel stressed when you think about everything you have to do before you get to college and after you arrive. You can barely keep track of all of these tasks. If you don’t already have an organized to-do list with specific categories and deadlines for different tasks, now is the time to create one! Your college may even have sample to-do lists available on their website for incoming students to download and modify.

4. Find the Right Points of Contact

Are you unsure about your class schedule, a fee that you owe, or a specific campus program or policy? You might have lots of questions on your mind, and you wish you knew the answers before your first day. Use your college’s website or a student Facebook group to find the right points of contact and send a friendly email with your questions. Getting the answers you need can bring you peace of mind!

5. Turn Your Jitters Into Excitement

Excitement and anxiety can be two sides of the same coin. After all, anxiety, like excitement, represents an overabundance of nervous energy. Write down a list of a couple of things you’re excited about when you get to college to see if you can turn your anxiety into excitement. It can be a class you’re looking forward to, or something as simple as trying the food at the dining hall.

6. Remember How Capable You Are

The admissions department at your college admitted you for a reason. If you were accepted, you’ve already demonstrated that you’re capable of handling college life. It’s normal to ask for help along the way! Keep your strengths in mind, and if you feel you need more support, reach out to your college’s counseling services.

Are you dreading school because of pre-college anxiety? A therapist can guide you through this transition. Schedule an appointment through our website or call our office to get started with anxiety counseling.


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