Starting a New Job? Effective Ways to Cope With the Accompanying Anxiety

You’ve recently landed a new job, and your first day is approaching. Maybe you’ve recently graduated from college or a certification program and this will be your first job in the field. Perhaps you've worked at the same company for several years, yet you were itching for a change. Or maybe you were unemployed for a long stretch. Now, you’re both excited and nervous about getting back into the workforce.

You felt relieved when you received the job offer. But with your start date getting closer, you’re growing increasingly anxious. You might feel like your skills are rusty, or you may be struggling with imposter syndrome. It’s normal to feel a bit apprehensive before starting a new job. Here’s how to cope with job-related anxiety when beginning a new role.

Ask Questions

Whether you’re a new graduate or you’re a veteran in your field who has just received a promotion, don’t hesitate to ask questions about your new role. This is not the time to worry about looking silly. Knowledge is power, and getting clarity on any aspects of your responsibilities that you might be uncertain about can help soothe your anxiety.

Remember, your new manager expects you to have questions. This is a completely normal part of the onboarding process for a new role. Asking questions is actually an opportunity to demonstrate your proactive outlook.

person at office

Make a Plan for Your First Day

Knowing what to expect on your first day at your new job can help you stay calm. You may want to learn a bit more about who you’ll be working with or familiarize yourself with any programs you’ll be using. If you’ll be commuting to your new job, make sure that you know the route you’ll be taking, where you should park, and what time you should get up and leave the house so that you won’t be late. For remote workers, check that your webcam and mic are working properly.

Commit to a Relaxing Morning Routine

If you oversleep and spend your morning rushing around before your first day on the job, you’ll feel stressed and harried when it’s time to get to work. Instead, go to bed early the night before, and set an alarm that will give you plenty of time to gradually start your day.

You might want to set up your coffee maker or prep something for breakfast so that you’ll have less to do in the morning. If you plan to exercise before work, lay out your workout clothes, and ensure you’ll have time to shower.

Keep Your Accomplishments in Mind

Remember, practically every job opening attracts numerous applicants. Sometimes, hiring managers will have to sort through hundreds or even thousands of applications before interviewing different candidates and selecting the right person for the job. If you were chosen for the role, it was because you’ve truly earned it. The job market is competitive, and your skills and accomplishments have prepared you for the job.

Consider Working With a Therapist

What if your anxiety is so intense that you’re about your ability to function at work, or you’re considering backing out of your new role before your first day? It may be time to connect with a therapist. The right therapist can help you address imposter syndrome, polish your professional communication skills, and guide you in setting boundaries at the workplace so that you don’t become overwhelmed by your new role.

Are you struggling with anxiety about your career? A therapist can guide you through your next steps. Get in touch with us to discuss your options for scheduling your first session.


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