For Individuals

Child Therapy

When our children hurt, we hurt. It’s even worse when we can’t figure out why they’re hurting. The truth is children can experience anxiety, depression, anger, and behavioral problems. But how do you talk to a 7-year-old about the passing of their grandpa? Or convince them that they have to listen to their teacher? Newark Behavioral Health counselors have years of experience working with children and know how to speak their language. We can walk with your child through whatever they are struggling with and help them become healthier and happier. Children see the world differently. And while it is beautiful, it’s also difficult to connect with them at times. That’s where a Newark Behavioral Health child therapist can step in and help.

Image of male and female children smiling standing by a tree
An image of several overlapping yellow circular lines over the top of another image

What is Child Therapy?

Child Therapy is a lot different from typical, adult focused therapy. Afterall, children are a lot different than adults! Our goal is to help children understand, process, and handle the issues that are causing them pain. This pain might be can be anything from anxiety to trauma to difficulty making friends. Newark Behavioral Health is always a client-focused therapy center, and that doesn’t change when our clients are younger! Your child is still a unique person, with different experiences, personality, and goals. We will adapt each session to your child and what they are experiencing. Children’s brains are more malleable than adults. Researchers coined the term “neuroplasticity”. They can heal from trauma and learn new behavioral patterns faster and easier than adults can. This is a great source of hope!

  • The quicker you identify a possible problem in your child’s mental, emotional, or physical health, and reach out for help, the better the long-term outcome.

    We will never turn away someone because their child’s issues are too big or too small. If you think you and your child could benefit from counseling, call Thriveworks Newark today! We can walk through the process together.

    Specifically, common issues we see in child therapy include:

    Difficult sleeping

    Unwarranted aggression

    Poor “listening,” or frequent misbehavior

    Persistent anxiety or nervousness

    Failing or worsening grades

    Social issues, problems making friends


    Depression, low mood, or frequent irritability

    Expression of suicidal thoughts, self-harm

    Recent changes in family (move, loss of a family member, etc.)

    Traumatic experiences


    Too frequent sibling conflict

    Concerns about autism

    Problems with self-confidence

    Every child is unique, and what they are facing is also unique. They deserve to have as much support as they can, and sometimes a trained professional is perfect for supporting them as they heal and grow into a healthy, happy person.

Image of a blended family and their counselor in a child therapy session at Newark Behavioral Health
An image of several overlapping yellow circular lines over the top of another image

What Does Child Therapy Look Like?

Sometimes, having a judgment-free space away from the stresses of life is all a child needs to talk through an issue, and can move on pretty quickly. Other times, children don’t have the awareness of their own emotions and thoughts to understand what they’re going through. When this happens, our clinicians can use more advanced techniques. Sessions may sometimes include just parents, or just the child, and at other times, the whole family may need to be seen together. Newark Behavioral Health counselors are trained in several methods, so rest assured that your child is receiving the best possible care.

  • A few child therapy techniques include:

    Art therapy

    Music therapy

    Play therapy (Using play to explore hidden or misunderstood emotions and memories)

    Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (identifying negative thoughts and the behaviors associated with them and replacing them with positive ones)

    Developing coping skills

    Practicing relaxation techniques

    Behavioral therapy

    Social Skills Coaching

    Parent Coaching, i.e., improving structure and connection in the home

    We could never replace the love you give to your child, but we can care for and support them in a different way that is important for their development.

    We want to stress that just because your child is going to child therapy does not mean you have somehow failed at being a parent! It is not your fault your child may be experiencing emotional, mental, or behavioral difficulties. You are doing your best, and that love is powerful. Sometimes, outside circumstances and life can impede on your child’s life without you even knowing it.

    Newark Behavioral Health is honored you would trust us with your child, and we are excited to meet you both and walk with you to a place of happiness and fulfillment.

Get the help you need today

You deserve dedicated time with a caring mental health professional—we can help.